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План-конспект урока для 3 класса. Учебник "Enjoy English"

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НазваниеПлан-конспект урока для 3 класса. Учебник "Enjoy English"
М.З. Биболетова
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Гибатова Диана Илдаровна

(г.Учалы, МБОУ лицей №3)
План-конспект урока для 3 класса.

Учебник “Enjoy English” авторов М.З. Биболетова, О.А Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева.
Урок 28

Цели урока:

  1. Тренировка фонетических навыков.

  2. Развитие навыков аудирования.

  3. Развитие навыков устной речи.

  4. Повторение лексических единиц по теме: «Рождество».

  5. Совершенствование орфографического навыка.

  6. Формирование понимания важности изучения иностранного языка и потребности пользоваться им как средством общения.

  7. Поддержание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности.

  8. Формирование у школьников положительного отношения к иностранному языку.

  9. Воспитание усидчивости, активности, внимания, памяти.


  1. Клип “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”.

  2. Клип “Schiffie & Co - Penguin Dance”

  3. Раздаточный материал.

  4. Презентация.

Ход урока.
I.Организационный момент

У.: Hello, children!

Ученики: Good morning, Diana Ildarovna

У.: Sit down, please. I am glad to see you!

Ученики: We are glad to see you too!

У.: How are you?

Ученики: We are fine, thanks.

У.: Good! Let’s start our work. Today I want to begin our lesson with one of the most beautiful song of the oncoming holiday. Let’s look at the screen and listen to this song.

Просмотр клипа

У.: Did you like the song?

Ученики: Yes, I do!

У.: Good! Name the topic of our lesson.

Ученик 1: Christmas!

У.: Well done! You are right! (Слайд 1). Today we will talk about one of the most important holiday in Great Britain, about Christmas. We will also remember phonetic sounds, our new words. We’ll check our homework, do different exercises and play. Let’s start now.
II. Фронтальная работа
1. Фонетическая зарядка

У.: Let’s train our tongues at first! Today we will work on the sound [b]. (Слайд 2). Imagine that our lips are two balls. They collide with each other and then they fly away. Pronounce the sound [b] to blow away the plumelet.

У.: Let’s work on this tongue twister now.

Работа над скороговоркой

У.: Thank you! Very good, children!
2.Речевая разминка

У.: Now let’s talk about Christmas. (Слайд 3). What do you know about this holiday?

Ученик 1: On the 25th of December the British people celebrate Christmas. It is a big holiday with lots of interesting traditions.

У.: Good! What else?

Ученик 2: People get prepared for this holiday very carefully. Christmas trees are set up in houses, in the streets. They are decorated with fairy lights, angels and small toys.

У.: Well done! How do people decorate their houses?

Ученик 3: Besides the Christmas tree, holly and mistletoe are used to decorate the house. Branches of holly are put up behind pictures and mistletoe is hung over doors.

У.: Fine! What about presents, Santa Claus?

Ученик 4: On the eve of Christmas children hang their stockings, so that Santa Claus could put presents into them: oranges, sweets, nuts.

У.: Good! What do children do before Christmas?

Ученик 5: Before Christmas children sing carols in the streets and get sweets, nuts for it.

У.: That’s right! What do people eat at Christmas?

Ученик 6: A typical Christmas lunch includes turkey with cranberry sauce and pudding.

У.: Well done! What do they usually do after the lunch?

Ученик 7: After the lunch they go to the living room to listen to the Christmas speech to the Queen. And then they watch TV.

У.: Great! (Name), what can you say?

Ученик 8: So, Christmas is a merry holiday for all the people of Great Britain. Everybody looks forward to this holiday.

У.: Well done! You know about Christmas a lot. It’s very good! I’m happy with your answers!
3.Проверка домашнего задания

У.: And now it’s time to check your homework. You had to read the story about Christmas traditions. Check it in the form of a game. The game is called “Who wants to get 5?” (Слайд 4). Who wants to take part in this game?

Проверка домашнего задания (Слайды 5-10)
4. Закрепление лексического материала по теме: «Рождество»

У.: Let’s remember our new words. (Слайд 11) Translate these words. Choose the correct answer.

Ученик 1: carol – рождественский гимн

Ученик 2: eve – канун

Ученик 3: stocking – чулок

Ученик 4: mistletoe - омела

У.: Well done! (Слайд 12) Put the missing letters.

Ученик 5: Christmas, New Year

Ученик 6: presents, holiday

Ученик 7: merry, happy

Ученик 8: sweets, tree

У.: Fine! Make your own sentences with these words.

Ученик 1: Merry Christmas!

Ученик 2: Happy New Year!

Ученик 3: I like presents very much!

Ученик 4: New Year is my favourite holiday!

Ученик 5: I like sweets!

Ученик 6: I have got a nice Christmas tree at home!

У.: Great! (Слайд 13) Read the text and put the missing words.

Ученик 7: Claus

Ученик 8: good

Ученик 9: read

Ученик 10: ball

У.: Very good! I am happy with your answers!
5. Физкультминутка

У.: Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please!

Клип “Schiffie & Co - Penguin Dance”

У.: Sit down, please! Thank you!
6. Игра “The nicest Christmas tree”

У.: Let’s play the other game “The nicest Christmas tree”. You must answer my questions, do my tasks. If you answer correctly, I’ll give you these decorations for your Christmas trees. The team which gives more correct answers is our champion. Let’s start now. (Слайды 14-15) Find out Christmas words.

Команда 1: gifts

Команда 2: toys

У.: Well done! (Слайды 16-17) Make the correct sentence.

Команда 1: I like Christmas very much.

Команда 2: Christmas is a happy holiday.

У.: That’s right! Your next task: I’ll give you these Christmas cards. They are magic. Write your cherished wishes. They’ll come true without fail! Show me your cards. What would you like to get from Ded Moroz?

Ученик 1: I would like new skates.

Ученик 2: I would like a new doll.

У.: Well done! Decorate your Christmas trees. I think both teams have the nicest Christmas trees. You have coped with my tasks very well! I am happy with your answers!
III. Заключительный этап урока

  1. Домашнее задание

У.: That brings us to the end. Let’s write your homework. Ex. 1-3, p.32 (WB)

  1. Итоги урока

У.: Now let’s summarize our work. What can you say? (Слайд 18).

Ученик 3: We have remembered sounds, words and we have talked about Christmas.

У.: That’s right! Christmas is a magic holiday. That’s why I want to finish our today’s lesson with the next counting-out rhyme:

One, two, three,

Shine the Christmas tree!!!
У.: I wish everybody a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Thank you for your work! Everybody has worked hard! Well done! I’ll give you the best marks and little Christmas presents! The lesson is over. Goodbye!