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Конспект урока по теме «Natural disasters»

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Конспект урока по теме «Natural disasters» 11 класс

УМК В.Эванс, Д. Дулей, К.М. Баранова, В. В. Копылова «Starlight 11» М., Express Publishing«Просвещение», 2014

Цели урока:

Предметная цель:

Обучающиеся должны уметь строить монологическое высказывание по теме «Природные катастрофы»

Конкретизированные цели:

  • формировать грамматический навык (условное наклонение) ;

  • формировать лексический навык (уметь употреблять лексику по теме);

  • развивать умение аудирования с пониманием основного содержания прослушанного;

  • развивать умения монологической речи по теме.

Личностные цели:

  • развивать способности обучающихся к саморазвитию и реализации творческого потенциала в предметно-продуктивной деятельности

  • развивать позитивную самооценку

Метапредметные цели:

Ход урока

I. Вступление. Фонетическая зарядка. Постановка целей урока

Учитель: Say after me: avalanche, earthquake, forest fires, oil spill, flood, landslide, drought, hurricane, heatwave, volcanic eruption, tsunami, famine. What do these words denote?

Обучающиеся: natural disasters

Учитель: That’s right. What are we going to do?

Обучающиеся: We are going to discuss natural disasters.

II. Речевая разминка

Учитель: A) Give it a name

  1. a mass of ice, snow, detached from a mountain slope and sliding and falling suddenly downwards (avalanche);

  2. a sudden movement of the earth’s crust caused by the release of stress accumulated by a long geological faults or by volcanic activity (earthquake)

III «Мозговой штурм»

Look at these pictures and say what they depict, what Bible stories they represent. (Pictures on the screen) Which Bible stories are we going to discuss?

IV Развитие умений аудирования с детальным пониманием прослушанного

You are going to listen to the three Bible stories.

Pre-listening 1

Read the title of the first story. Palm Sunday. What do you think the story is about?

Обучающиеся высказывают свои предположения.

While-listening 1

Read the task for the first story.


1. Jesus didn’t know that evil men were seeking his life.

2. Jesus was met by lots of people.

3. The crowd threw roses before Jesus in the roadway.

4. Jesus’s enemies welcomed him at the gates of Jerusalem.

Pre-listening 2

Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? What are the people in the picture doing?

While -istening 2

Work in pairs. Listen to the second story Good Friday and complete the sentences

Jesus knew that the enemies … his death. (were plotting) During the supper Jesus took…, gave it to his disciples and said that it was his …(bread, body). “You will all … me and one of you will … me (desert, betray).While Jesus was praying the soldiers came led by…-Jesus’ own … (Judas, disciple). The soldiers arrested Jesus and marched him to…(High Priest).

Обучающиеся в парах дополняют предложения. После выполнения задания учитель на доске помещает ответы. Обучающиеся осуществляют самопроверку.

Pre-listening 3 What events does the second story describe?

While-listening 3

While listening to the story Crucifixion answer the questions

  1. Why was Jesus taken to Pilate? (Only Rome could confirm and carry out a death sentence)

  2. Which of Jesus’ disciples were in the courtyard? (Peter and John)

  3. Could Pilate find what Jesus had done wrong? (N0, he couldn’t)

  4. Why did Pilate give in?(He was afraid that there would be a riot)

  5. Where was Jesus crucified? (On a hill called Calvary (Golgotha)

  6. Why did one of the soldiers believe that Jesus was the son of God?(Jesus’ voice sounded with victory when he cried “It’s finished”)

V Развитие умений монологической речи

Now we are going to work in groups. Each group has some key words. Reconstruct the stories with the help of these words. (Students work in groups and then present their stories)

Group 1: to celebrate the Passover; Jerusalem was met by a crowd; threw palm-branches; watched the welcome; decided that he must die.

Group 2: were plotting his death; Last Supper; broke the bread and gave it to the disciples; to desert and betray; Judas; arrested and led to the High Priest; crept behind the soldiers.

Group 3: put on trial; Messiah; sentenced to death; took before Pilate; denied three times knowing Jesus; couldn’t find any crime; solemnly washed his hands; Golgotha; crucified; between the two thieves; cried loudly; sang with joy; said in awe.

Listen to your classmates and try to guess which Bible story it is.

VII Итоги. Учитель: Thank you very much. You’ve done good job. What new things have you learned today?

Обучающиеся: We’ve learned the plot of the three Bible stories.

Учитель: What have you learned to do?

Обучающиеся: We’ve learned to speak about these stories.

Учитель: Good. You’ve got three stars. If you are absolutely sure that you can speak about these stories raise the green star. If you are not quite sure raise the blue one. If you think that you can’t speak about them at all raise the red star.

Обучающиеся осуществляют рефлексию.
Тексты для аудирования

Palm Sunday

Despite warnings that evil men were seeking his life, Jesus set out for Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover- the great feast in memory of Israel's escape from Egypt under Moses. As he came near to the city, riding on a borrowed donkey, he was met by a great crowd.

"Hosanna", they cried. "These cheers for the Son of David. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord".

As he came to the city gate the crowd threw palm-branches before him in the roadway - a green carpet of welcome as the donkey carried him into the city of David (Jerusalem).

But the enemies watched the welcome, and they decided that he must die. They were afraid that one who was welcomed as David's son would claim David's throne.

Good Friday

Jesus knew that his enemies were plotting his death. He told his disciples so when they met to celebrate the Passover Supper (now called Last Supper). During the supper he took bread , broke it , and gave it to them. "This is my body", he said, "which is broken for you! Do this in remembrance of me". Strange words, but stranger were to follow. "You will all desert me", he said, "and one of you will betray me."

"I will never desert you," said Peter stoutly.

"You will," replied Jesus sadly. "Before the cock crows you will say three times that you never even knew me."

They went out from supper to a moonlit olive garden. There, while Jesus was praying, soldiers came, led by Judas- Jesus' own disciple. They arrested Jesus and marched him off to the High Priest, while the disciples ran away in the darkness, all except John and Peter. They crept along behind the soldiers to see what would happen.


At the palace of the High Priest they put Jesus on trial. "Are you the Messiah?" asked the High Priest, with all the gravity of his office.

"I am," said Jesus calmly.

"Blasphemy," they cried, and they sentenced him to death. They arranged for him to be taken before Pilate, the Roman governer, first thing in the morning for only Rome could confirm and carry out a death sentence.

Peter and John were in courtyard. As Jesus was led away from his trial the cock crew, and Peter burst into tears. For now he remembered what Jesus had said at the supper table, and indeed three times Peter had denied knowing Jesus.

In the dawn light they led Jesus to the great open space in front of Pilate's residence, and demanded that their sentence of death be confirmed and carried out. Pilate questioned Jesus but could not find that he had done anything wrong.

"We have a law," cried the High Priest, "and by that Law he deserves to die."

Led by agitators the crowd now started to chant, "Crucify! Crucify! Crucify him!" Afraid that there would be a riot, Pilate gave in. He called for a bowl of water, and there at the top of the steps he solemnly washed his hands in sights of all the crowd.

"See," he said, "I am innocent of the blood of this just man. Do with him as you will."

They led Jesus outside the city wall, and there between two thieves on a hill called Calvary (Golgotha) they crucified him. One of the thieves jeered at Jesus: "If you are the Son of God, get us down off these crosses." But the other thief rebuked him. "At we've got what we deserve," he said, "but he hasn't done anything wrong." Then turning to Jesus he said, "Master, when you come to your kingdom, remember me."

Jesus replied slowly, for death was very close, "Indeed I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

The sun rose high to noon, and the sky grew dark with menace as if the world would end. At about three in the afternoon Jesus cried with a loud voice: "It is finished." and so he died. But this voice sang with victory, so that the officer in charge of the execution said in awe, "Truly, this was the Son of God."